Refund Policy

Participating in contests hosted by Primewickets necessitates users' account wallets.

Refund eligibility:

To qualify for a refund, certain conditions must be met as part of our refund policy for our fantasy cricket website.

Refund Conditions:

Technical Issues:

Refunds will be considered when users experience technical difficulties or glitches that prevent them from participating in contests or accessing their accounts.

Contest Cancellation:

If Primewickets cancels a contest for any reason, entry fees will be refunded to users within 2 days of the transaction.

Incorrect Contest Entry:

Users who mistakenly enter the wrong contest or select the wrong team before the contest entry deadline may request a refund.

Refund Request Process:

To request a refund, users should contact our customer support team through the designated contact information provided on the website or app. When making a refund request, users must provide relevant information, including their username, contest ID, and a description of the issue.

Refund Approval:

All refund requests submitted will be carefully reviewed on a case-by-case basis by Primewickets. Refunds will only be approved for issues that fall within the refund policy guidelines.

Refund Processing:

In most cases, refunds will be processed using the original payment method used for contest enrollment. The time required for the refund to be processed may vary, typically taking between 5 and 7 days, depending on the payment provider and other factors.

Non-refundable Conditions:

Please note that contest entry fees are generally non-refundable once a contest has commenced or is in progress.